The Four Shortcut Keys of Mac Trash Bin that Mac Users Should Have

  • tags: HOW TO recover files ON MACBOOK


    The Trash Bin’s function in Mac OS X system is used for us to keep the deleted files, most of the time we can drag or drop the files we don’t want to the Trash Bin. What’s more, empty the Trash Bin also can release the disk space. Actually Mac Trash Bin has a lot of convenient shortcut operation, to make the operation more simple and faster. We will introduce the four kinds of the most practical Trash bin shortcut key combination, you must certainly use in the Finder.

    Delete An Event Directly to Trash Bin

    Command+Delete:Use this combination can help you to delete each file or folder you choose. The deleted event will be remained in Trash Bin

    Restore the Files in Trash Bin to the Original Location

    Command+Delete:Choose any event in your Trash Bin and use this combination again, the file or folder will be restored to the original location. And you can also use the right click option with your mouse and choose the “Back to the Original Location” to restore it.

    Empty Mac Trash Bin

    Shift+Command+Delete:This shortcut keys combination will empty the Trash Bin once you process it, after you press this 3 buttons, a warning window will pops up and tells you that all the files in the Trash bin will be deleted.

    Forced Cleaning of Trash Bin

    Go to the Finder -> Secure Empty Trash, a warning window will pops up and tells
    you that all the files in the Trash bin will be deleted.

    Other Skills of Mac Trash Bin

    You can choose “Safely Empty Trash Bin” option on Finder setting.

    empty trash recovery for mac




Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

