How to Undeleted Lost Files on Mac Easily

Undeleted Mac Files

There is probably no person on the surface of the Earth, no matter how tech-savvy and prudent who hasn’t, at some point, lost a lot of valuable information by accidentally deleting it. Whether it was an errant undelete files on macclick or an attempt to do something tricky like jail breaking your iOS device at some point you’ve wished you had a way to easily recover lost files on your mac.
Fortunately for all of us, data recovery software has improved exponentially and what was once considered irretrievably lost is now just a click away.

Change Over Time

For a long time, recovering files involved reading the files system for each disk. This meant that each files system had to be read individually, which could become time consuming when one considers that any given computer contained many files systems.
Old file recovery systems also had trouble with files systems that had been modified. If a system was corrupted or vastly different from its original state, recovery software would struggle to undo any mistaken deletions.
This isn’t to say the old programs didn’t work–they did. And sometimes they restored files completely intact with their layout and proper file names, which is a rare event nowadays. However, the old systems are no longer applicable  because files systems have become so much more complex with recent developments in technology.

What we’ve got Now

recover deleted files macModern data recovery singles out individual file types rather than looking out files systems. This allows the program to work across many files systems by searching out specific types–not only is this more efficient, but it allows recovery to take place even on previously formatted disks or corrupted files. This sort of recovery also allows the software to scan files that don’t show up in finder or appear on your disk when using an app like disk utility.
These new recovery software packages read all of the information on each volume by searching for common patterns in each of the file types that a volume supports. Once the software ascertains what the file is, it offers a preview of the file so that you can see whether or not you want to restore it.
So, the main difference between the old and new methods is that now, every individual file contains so much information that it must treated like an entity unto itself. Fortunately, the recovery software has found a way to comfortably search those individual files without sacrificing time or efficiency!
The only main downside of the current method is that file names, which are not part of a file’s content, often get lost during recovery. This can be especially hard if your software doesn’t offer previews of the files about to be recovered–in this scenario you will essentially be guessing at what files you are retrieving.

What to Do if you Accidentally Delete a File

Alright, so you know a bare bones history of data recovery. But what should you do in that fateful instant when you realize you’ve deleted something you really meant to keep? There are two steps that are generally helpful.
First—stop using the affected disk! If you’re not sure what disk is affected, or if it’s the startup disk, then just stop using your Mac. Do whatever you can to stop the computer from writing more information to the disk without going overboard or causing harm.
Second—Download a recovery program! You should actually do this step first so that you’re not trying to download the program while you’re also trying to limit how much information your computer is writing to the affected disk.
Alright, that’s it! Now you know some of the basics and what to do in the event that you delete something important! The rest is up to you.

